Saturday, July 24, 2004

LearningByts Blog: Chipper the Prairie Dog Series..

LearningByts Blog: Chipper the Prairie Dog Series.. Oiyy.... saw him running across our land into the new hole he just dug on the side of the property... I ran and filled in the hole, and "chippered" at him.... hoping he'll hear me and stay away. I don't mind if they want to eat my grass, etc. But please don't dig any more holes on my property... they are dangerous for humans....

Chip... Chip!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Chipper the Prairie Dog Series..

Observed the prairie dogs yesterday as a storm was threatening over the mountains... They were more interested in watching me than worrying about the coming storm.  Eventually when the lightening over the mountains became more frequent, the smaller dogs disappeared but the "watch" dogs stayed out and ate their supper.  We never got more than a few sprinkles from the storm.  
 Noticed that their is more than one "red" coated prairie dog, and a few that look like they have a red tint to their coat.